Sexual stimulation and interpersonal behavior: Heterosexual evaluative responses, visual behavior, and physical proximity.

Examined the effects of erotica-produced sexual stimulation on heterosexual behavior in 2 experiments. Ss were a total of 94 male and 102 female introductory psychology college students. Results of Exp I show that sexually aroused females evaluated the likability of symbolically represented males more positively than that of symbolically represented females. Sexual arousal was found to exert no influence on males' evaluations of symbolically represented females. Exp II showed that (a) sexually aroused Ss of both sexes attended visually more to opposite-sex than to same-sex targets and looked more at heterosexual targets than did nonaroused Ss, (b) sexually aroused Ss who responded negatively to sexual stimulation physically avoided heterosexual persons in terms of seating proximity, and (c) only those who responded positively to sex stimulation evaluated more favorably or looked more at opposite-sex targets than same-sex targets. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)