A Genomic- and Proteomic-Based Hypothesis on the Eclectic Effects of Systemic Interleukin-2 Administration in the Context of Melanoma-Specific Immunization

Among human cancers, melanoma is characterized by an almost unique predisposition to regress in response to immune therapy. Recent clinical studies suggest that the frequency of this favorable event is enhanced by combining T-cell-directed active specific immunization with the systemic administration of interleukin (IL)-2. While waiting for additional clinical experience to confirm this observation, we embraced the working hypothesis that this combination provides superior response rates than either treatment alone. In particular, we have focused our interest on the paradoxical observation that active specific immunization consistently induces circulating CD8+ T cells capable of recognizing in ex vivo assays tumor cells, but cannot induce tumor regression alone. In these settings, it appears that combining the systemic administration of IL-2 is almost an absolute requirement for the induction of clinical responses. Here, we will expand on previous speculations on the postulated mechanism(s) of action of systemic IL-2 administration and, based on original data recently derived through high-throughput transcriptional and post-translational analysis, we will suggest an explanation for the eclectic effects of IL-2 administration in the context of active specific immunization.