Accumulation of an artificial cell wall-binding lipase byBacillus subtilis wprAand/orsigDmutants

A recombinant lipase, CWB-LipB, localized on the Bacillus subtilis cell surface and retaining lipase activity was unstable and not accumulated in a high yield. To improve the accumulation, we examined cell wall binding protease (wprA)- and/or sigma D (sigD)-deficient mutants, and also a NprE and AprA protease-deficient mutant as host strains. The nprE aprA mutation did not lead to a significant increase in the CWB-LipB accumulation. The wprA mutant accumulated a greater amount than the wild-type only in the stationary phase, but the sigD mutant accumulated a greater amount in both the exponential and stationary phases. The double mutant exhibited great accumulation of CWB-LipB, the amount being 36% of the total proteins extracted from the cell surface.