Coherent effects of a weak neutral current

If there is a weak neutral current, then the elastic scattering process ν+Aν+A should have a sharp coherent forward peak just as e+Ae+A does. Experiments to observe this peak can give important information on the isospin structure of the neutral current. The experiments are very difficult, although the estimated cross sections (about 1038 cm2 on carbon) are favorable. The coherent cross sections (in contrast to incoherent) are almost energy-independent. Therefore, energies as low as 100 MeV may be suitable. Quasi-coherent nuclear excitation processes ν+Aν+A* provide possible tests of the conservation of the weak neutral current. Because of strong coherent effects at very low energies, the nuclear elastic scattering process may be important in inhibiting cooling by neutrino emission in stellar collapse and neutron stars.

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