Root and Shoot Interactions Between Barley and Field Beans When Intercropped

Barley (H. sativum) and field beans (V. faba) were grown alone and with either their roots or their shoots, or both roots and shoots, intermixed. The N supply, total density and relative time of planting were also varied. The Relative Yield Totals (RYT) of mixtures were significantly greater than 1.0 only when the root systems intermixed, and RYT were reduced when N fertilizer was applied. The yield advantage of intercropping was due mainly to beans and barley using different N sources. The competitive ability of barley was greater than that of beans. Sowing barley before beans further increased its competitive ability. Root competition had a much greater effect on the relative performance of the 2 spp. than did shoot competition. There was evidence that the 2 spp. competed for both P and K.