Time Spent in Exclusive Economic Zones of Southern Oceans by Non-breeding Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea spp.): Implications for National Responsibilities for Conservation

Fourteen non-breeding Wandering Albatrosses of three taxa, Diomedea exulans exulans, D. e. gibsoni and D. e. antipodensis, were satellite-tracked between 1992 and 1996 in southern oceans eastwards from 30°E to 70°W for a total of 1128 days providing 3965 locations. Eight D. e. exulans were tracked from July to November around Australian waters between 110° and 160°E and spent 52–100% of their time in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Three subsequently moved into, and two across, the Indian Ocean. Three D. e. gibsoni were tracked in the Tasman Sea and the south-west Pacific Ocean. One tracked from September to November 1994 spent 52% of its time in the EEZs of Australia and New Zealand. Two others tracked in January and February 1995 spent 23% and 33% of their time in Australian and New Zealand EEZs in the Tasman Sea. Two of three D. e. antipodensis were tracked during 1996 in the southern Pacific Ocean from the New Zealand EEZ to the Chilean EEZ. One returned to New Zealand waters and was tracked for a total of 373 days. These three birds spent more than 54% of their tracked time in EEZs. The considerable time spent by non-breeding Wandering Albatrosses in EEZs gives host nations an opportunity to establish measures to reduce greatly their seabird bycatch losses from longline fishing. The mobility of these albatrosses between the EEZs of different nations suggests that such conservation measures could be further enhanced by nations participating in the International Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (the Bonn Convention).