Optical second-harmonic generation at interfaces of ferroelectric nanoregions inSrSiO3:Ca

Optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) is observed in Sr1x Cax TiO3 with x=0.007 within the ferroelectric domain state below Tc≊18 K. Surprisingly, its dependence on the polarization angle is incompatible with global C2V symmetry. The appearance of maximum intensity for EωE2ω parallel to the nonpolar c axis suggests that SHG is primarily due to symmetry breaking at the interfaces between ferroelectric nanoregions and the paraelectric host material SrTiO3. The observed angular dependences are satisfactorily modeled by assuming the dominant component of the nonlinear surface polarizability to lie parallel to the surface normal of ellipsoidally shaped nanoregions. The unusual electric-field dependence of the SHG intensity recorded at various temperatures and its temporal relaxation after steplike changing the field are described in terms of nanoregion nucleation and condensation in the presence of dipolar random fields. © 1996 The American Physical Society.