The microsporidium Nudispora biformis n. g., n. sp., a parasite of a larva of the damsel fly Coenagrion hastulatum in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Merogonial stages and sporonts are diplokaryotic. Sporogony comprises meiotic and mitotic divisions, and finally eight monokaryotic sporoblasts are released from a lobed plasmodium. Sporophorous vesicles are not formed. The monokaryotic spores are oval, measuring 1.4–1.8 × 2.8–3.4 μm in living condition. The thick spore wall has a layered exospore, with a median double‐layer. The polaroplast has two lamellar parts, with the closest packed lamellae anteriorly. The isofilar polar filament is arranged in 6 (to 7) coils in the posterior half of the spore. Laminar and tubular extracellular material of exospore construction is present in the proximity of sporogonial stages. In addition to normal spores teratological spores are produced. The microsporidium is compared to the microsporidia of the Odonata; its possible relations to the genus Pseudothelohania and to the Thelohania‐like microsporidia are discussed. The new genus is provisionally included in the family Thelohaniidae.