Dihydroconiferyl alcohol ? A cell division factor from Acer species

A compound that stimulated growth of soybean callus was isolated from spring sap of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Insufficient compound was isolated to permit it to be characterised. A compound with identical properties was isolated from commercial maple syrup, the concentrated spring sap of Acer saccharum L. The compound was identified as 3-(3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-propan-1-ol (dihydroconiferyl alcohol, DCA). DCA was also active in the tobacco callus and radish leaf senescence assays, but was inactive in four other tests for cytokinin activity. DCA acted synergistically with kinetin to promote soybean callus growth. It is concluded that DCA has properties distinct from those of purine cytokinins.