Experts at Debate: The Use of Metaphor in the U.S. Senate Debate on the Gulf Crisis

The U.S. Senate debate on the Gulf Crisis was examined with respect to metaphor usage. Metaphors were classified according to tenor and the metaphor user's position in the debate. Numerous differences were found with respect to both factors. It is argued that metaphor was used to state and/or simplify the premises of a senator's argument and was also used to induce a sharing of premises with an audience. Using international relations theory, metaphor use was interpreted in relation to the need to emphasize and reinforce an "ENEMY" image of Iraq, with an alternative being a possible "CHILD"-"IMPERIAL" image pattern to describe Iraqi-U.S. relations. This study concerns the use of metaphor by individuals who are (presumably) expert in the domain of political rhetoric. The contents of the January 1991 U.S. Senatorial debate on the Gulf Crisis were examined, with the analysis focused on how metaphor was used in relation to political position and goals. In this context, senators are viewed as expert politicians and expert speakers, especially in relation to political rhetoric.

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