Thermoplastic Microfluidic Device for On-Chip Purification of Nucleic Acids for Disposable Diagnostics

A polymeric microfluidic device for solid-phase extraction (SPE)-based isolation of nucleic acids is demonstrated. The plastic chip can function as a disposable sample preparation system for different biological and diagnostic applications. The chip was fabricated in a cyclic polyolefin by hot-embossing with a master mold. The solid phase consisted of a porous monolithic polymer column impregnated with silica particles. The extraction was achieved due to the binding of nucleic acids to the silica particles in the monolith. The solid phase was formed within the channels of the device by in situ photoinitiated polymerization of a mixture of methacrylate and dimethacrylate monomers, UV-sensitive free-radical initiator, and porogenic solvents. The channel surfaces were pretreated via photografting to covalently attach the monolith to the channel walls. The solid phase prepared by this method allowed for successful extraction and elution of nucleic acids in the polymeric microchip.