Magnetic measurements of the prototype dipole for the IR-FEL at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Magnetic measurements have been performed on the prototype dipole for the high power IR-FEL presently under construction at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The optics-driven requirements for these magnets include low fields, large horizontal apertures, tight field homogeneity, absolute setability of core field & integrated field, and control of the horizontal & vertical focusing terms designed into the magnets. A prototype dipole was fabricated and underwent several iterations of mechanical adjustment and magnetic measurement. Measurements were made to quantify the effects of field clamps on vertical focusing terms and effective length. Additional tests were made using various applications of Purcell gaps and high permeability materials in order to achieve the required homogeneity. Results from the prototype have been integrated into the design of the seven families of dipoles needed for the FEL.

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