Domain wall singularity in a Landau-Ginzburg model

Studies the interface between two coexisting phases in an anisotropic, (n+1)-component Landau-Ginzburg model, with a single easy axis and O(n) symmetry in the transverse components, which may serve to represent a d-dimensional uniaxial ferromagnet below its Curie point, Tc. An exact solution of the mean-field equations of motion due to Sarker et al. (1976) indicates the existence of a bifurcation temperature, TBc. For TTB, the profile is Ising-like, with no transverse magnetisation, and approaches the known universal profile as T to Tc. Analyses of fluctuations about this solution shows that the bifurcation is quite analogous to a second-order phase transition. The amplitude of transverse magnetisation vanishes as T to TB- and an associated susceptibility diverges with the exponents of the (d-1)-dimensional n-vector model.