Periodontal and systemic findings in children with marginal bone loss in the primary dentition

In a previous population‐based study of 3896 7–9‐year‐old children living in Sweden, it was found that 32 children (0.8%) exhibited radiographic, periodontal bone loss at 2 proximal surfaces of their deciduous teeth. In the present study, 26 of the 32 children were subjected to additional oral and systemic health examination. 20 other children without any radiographic evidence of bone loss in their primary dentition served as referents. None of the cases or the referents were detected to have any systemic disease. The frequency of bleeding and suppuration on probing, radiographic proximal calculus and probing attachment loss was higher among the cases than the referents. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans was found subgingivally in 14 of the cases but in none of the referents. 11 of 22 cases analysed for presence of serum antibodies against A. actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin were sero‐positive compared to none of 7 referents available for analysis. Evaluation of the data from each child revealed wide variations in clinical parameters among the children in the case group. In this group, there were children with deep probing depths, probing attachment loss, suppuration on probing, proximal calculus and presence of subgingival A. actinomycetemcomitans, indicating current periodontitis. However, in the case group there were also children without positive signs of inflammatory disease, similar to the children in the reference group. In fact, the findings suggest that less than half of the number of individuals with 2 proximal sites with bone loss had current periodontitis.