Search for antiferromagnetic order inUBe13via magnetovolume effects

The linear magnetostriction (λ) and the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (α) of a single-crystalline sample of the heavy-fermion compound UBe13 have been determined for elongation directions along and perpendicular to the applied magnetic field (B∥[100]), in the temperature interval 0.3<T<12 K and for fields B<8 T. We find neither evidence for antiferromagnetic order (TN=8.8 K), nor for magnetostrictive oscillations, which were reported recently by Kleiman et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1975 (1990)]. Instead λ varies proportional to B2 as expected for a normal paramagnetic metal. The low-temperature normal-state electronic Grüneisen parameter is unusually large and drops rapidly in the superconducting phase (Tc=0.85 K). We also report magnetostriction measurements on UBe13 below Tc. The magnetovolume effects in the superconducting phase are strongly anisotropic and reveal a large hysteresis.