Parameter Estimation for a Generalized Gamma Distribution

It is fairly commonplace in reliability analyses to encounter data which is incompatible with the exponential, Weibull, and other familiar probability models. Such data motivates research to enlarge the group of probability distributions which are useful to the reliability analyst. In this paper, we examine a three-parameter generalization of the gamma distribution and derive parameter estimation techniques for that distribution. Those techniques, in the general case, depend upon method of moments considerations which lead to simultaneous equations for which closed form solutions are not available. Graphic solution is proposed and aids to the computations are provided. Major concepts in the paper are summarized by means of a numerical example. Details are given for the special case in which only the scale parameter is unknown. Three unbiased estimators for that parameter are derived along with their variance formulas. Minimum variance considerations are discussed by application of the Cramér-Rao Theorem.

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