Pools, ponds and lakes (18) were sampled in the Cumberland Peninsula region, Baffin Island, 1969 and 1975. One additional lake and 4 ponds were investigated in the Frobisher Bay region. Lepidurus arcticus was found in Broughton Island pond. In terms of numbers, the ranges of certain characters equaled or exceeded the maxima of previous reports, e.g., number of abdominal legs and median telson spines and the unusually high percentage of specimens with incomplete body rings preceding the telson. Branchineta paludosa was collected from 9 sites, including lakes, permanent ponds and temporary pools. Egg sacs contained from 1-22 eggs. Hyalella azteca, the 1st record for the barren lands, was found in a lake near Frobisher Bay village. Daphnia pulex, collected at several locations, revealed certain characteristics which overlap those of D. middendorffiana. Other cladocerans included Acroperus harpae, Chydorus sphaericus, Holopedium gibberum and Alona guttata. The copepod Diaptomus minutus was the most common entomostracan. Certain genera or species of rotifers are discussed briefly. The species diversity of the plankton of ponds and lakes is compared with previously reported information. The only oribatid mite, collected at 3 sites in shore vegetation, was Platynothrus peltifer.