T-cell lymphomas of the stomach: Morphological and immunological studies characterizing two cases of T-cell lymphoma

Using cytochemical, electron microscopic and immunohistochemical techniques in 20 primary malignant lymphomas of the stomach, we found 18 B-cell and 2 T-cell lymphomas. Primary T-cell lymphoma in the stomach has not been previously reported. The T cells in both cases were reminiscent of T immunoblasts with prominent nucleoli and a basophilic cytoplasm. Case 1 showed a cytological relationship to pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma, large cell type. Case 2 contained in addition some cells not previously described in T-cell lymphomas, resembling immature plasma cells with abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. Focal positivity to acid phosphatase and dipeptidylaminopeptidase IV suggests the T-cell nature of both lymphomas. In both cases the tumour cells were OKT 11 and OKT 4 positive, and negative for OKT 8. Thus, both cases represent high-grade malignant T-cell lymphomas which correspond phenotypically to T-helper cell lymphoma. Case 2 revealed a further immunohistochemical peculiarity: atypical immunoblasts reacted positively with Ki-1 antibody. Thus, it is a Ki-1 lymphoma of T-cell type.