Afferent and efferent projections of the region in mouse sml cortex which contains the posteromedial barrel subfield

Experiments using anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques have been used to identify projections to and from the region of mouse SmI cortex which contains the posteromedial barrel subfield (PMBSF, Woolsey and Van der Loos, '70). Microinjections containing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and tritiated amino acids were placed unilaterally into the topographic center of the PMBSF. Brains were perfuse‐fixed and frozen sectioned. All sections were reacted for HRP and alternate sections were autoradiographed. Examination of sections cut tangential to the pial surface in the region of the injection site showed that diffusion of the injection was limited to cortex above and below the PMBSF in layer IV (i.e., PMBSF cortex). A “column” of HRP reaction product and developed silver grains was present in ipsilateral cortical area 40, in the face area of SmII. HRP positive cell bodies were mainly in layer III and VI of this “column.” A similar “column” was present in ipsilateral cortical area 6, in a region which in the rat corresponds to the vibrissal area of MsI (Hall and Lindholm, '74), but here HRF positive cells bodies were situated mainly in layer V. HRP labeled cells bodies were also present in layer V of ipsilateral cortical area 29c. The ipsilateral nucleus ventralis thalami pars lateralis and the nucleus posterior thalami contained many HRP positive cell bodies and were associated with dense aggregations of developed silver grains. Numerous silver grains were also present over portions of the ipsilateral caudate, reticular nucleus of the thalamus and ventral pontine nuclei, but no HRP positive cell bodies occurred in these regions.HRP‐filled axons left the injection site and traveled via the corpus callosum to contralateral PMBSF cortex where HRF labeled cell bodies were present mainly in layers III and V. Usually only one or two labeled somata were located superficial or deep to a contralateral PMBSF barrel. A few HRF positive cell bodies were also present in layers II and III of contralateral pyriform cortex.These results indicate that PMBSF cortex is reciprocally connected with ipsilateral cortical areas 6 and 40 and with the ipsilateral ventral and posterior nuclei of the thalamus. A small, homotopic callosal connection with contralateral PMBSF cortex has been demonstrated, and it is presumed that this projection is also reciprocal. PMBSF cortex projects to, but receives no projections from the ipsilateral caudate, reticular nucleus of the thalamus and the ventral pontine nuclei. Thus, many of the same projections of primary somatosensory cortex in higher animals, such as the monkey have been shown to occur in the mouse.