Prevalence of transfusion‐transmissible viral infections in first‐time US blood donors by donation site

Understanding the donor base, infectious disease prevalence, and donation loss at various blood donation sites will help maximize blood collection efforts and blood availability. Using donation data collected at five US blood centers, the prevalence of HIV, HTLV, HBsAg, and HCV in first-time whole-blood donations at 10 donation sites was evaluated: military, education, religious, professional, industry, services, community, health care, government, and fixed sites. Donation loss from screening test reactivity at each donation site was also evaluated. During the study, 1.2 million first-time whole-blood donations were collected. Military and education sites had a low prevalence of all viral markers, except for HBsAg, which was highest at education sites. Variations in viral marker prevalence among donation sites were partially explained by donor demographic differences. Donation loss varied by donation site, ranging from 3.3 percent at education sites to 6.4 percent at industry sites, indicating differential efficiency of blood collection efforts. Different rates of positive viral test results and donation loss in first-time whole-blood donors were observed at various types of donation sites. This information may be useful in estimating the yield of usable units from specific blood drives and in allocating resources to meet blood center collection goals.