Photoinduzierte Elektronenübertragungsreaktionen zwischen aromatischen Diazoniumkationen und Anionen

Photoinduced Electron Transfer between Arenediazonium Cations and AnionsAnions X can act as donors in electron transfer reactions to photoexcited arenediazonium ions. The yield of the arene formed in this reaction increases with decreasing electrochemical oxidation potential E of X (X = BPh4, Br, HOOCCOO, Cl, BF4). The oxidized donor X· (Cl·, ·COO) and aryl radicals Ar· benig intermediates of the reductive dediazoniation of ArN2 can be detected by spin trapping with nitrosodurene (ND) and phenyl‐tert‐butylnitrone (PBN). A solvent effect in the electron transfer reaction is interpreted in terms of ion pairing, where the electron transfer is favored by preorientation and a short distance between the electron donor and the acceptor previous to excitation of ArN2 by light.