Glial fibrillary acidic protein in amniotic fluids from pregnancies with fetal neural tube defects

The glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the subunit protein of intermediate filaments in astrocytes and closely related cell types. By means of an enzyme immunoassay we have determined the concentration of GFAP in amniotic fluids from normal pregnancies and from pregnancies complicated by various fetal malformations. The group of 20 cases of fetal anencephaly had a significantly higher mean amniotic fluid GFAP concentration (115 μg/1±133.6 (S.D.), range 6–378 μg/1) than the control group of 117 normal pregnancies (13 μg/1k±5.5 (S.D.), range 0–31 μg/1), (P<0.001). Two cases of fetal encephalocele likewise had very high amniotic fluid GFAP concentrations. None of the other cases of fetal malformations investigated, including 12 cases of spina bifida, had increased amniotic fluid GFAP concentrations. We conclude that determination of the amniotic fluid GFAP concentration may give additional information in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal nervous system malformations.