The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, and visceral adiposity is a central component that is also strongly associated with insulin resistance. Both visceral obesity and insulin resistance are important risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes. It is likely that adipose tissue, particularly in the intra‐abdominal depot, is part of a complex interplay involving several tissues and that dysregulated hormonal, metabolic and neural signalling within and between organs can trigger development of metabolic disease. One attractive hypothesis is that many factors leading to insulin resistance are mediated via the generation of abnormal amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). There is much evidence supporting that detrimental effects of glucose, fatty acids, hormones and cytokines leading to insulin resistance can be exerted via such a common pathway. This review paper mainly focuses on metabolic and other ‘stress’ factors that affect insulin's target cells, in particular adipocytes, and it will highlight oxidative stress as a potential unifying mechanism by which these stress factors promote insulin resistance and the development and progression of type 2 diabetes.