Published data on the quantities of organic matter in the forest floor (SOMfl) of European forest stands were collated. Studies of SOMfl were included if the total sampled surface was at least 0.15 m2, the surface of a single sample was at least 100 cm2, live material was sorted out, and ash or carbon content was determined. Data from 59 forest stands were compared with regard to stand characteristics and environment. Using a single variable, tree genus was most important for the amount of SOMfl (R 2 adj = 0.34). The amounts in spruce stands (41 × 103 kg ha−1) were significantly higher than those in larch, Douglas fir, oak and birch stands (4–11 × 103 kg ha−1). The best significant multiple model was genus combined with stand age and basal area (R 2 adj. = 0.72). The importance of litter quantity and quality for differentiating the tree genera is discussed.