Identification of a CpG mutation in the coagulation factor‐IX gene by analysis of amplified DNA sequences

In a family with no previous bleeding history, the sister of a single, severely affected haemophilia B patient requested carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis. In Southern blots, using Taq I digested DNA and a factor‐IX cDNA probe, a normal invariant band at 1.6 kb was missing in the haemophiliac suggesting the loss of the Taq I site at the 5’end of exon h. A 162 bp sequence which includes the suspected mutant region was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction in each DNA. Two oligonucleotide probes were synthesized and differed by only one base pair which substituted a T for C in the normal Taq I recognition sequence. The amplified DNA was dot‐blotted and hybridized with the labelled probes. The altered sequence hybridized to DNA from the affected individual, his sister and her fetus and not to DNA from the normals. The mutation, involving the haemophiliac, his mother, his sister and and her fetus, transforms a CGA codon that encodes for arginine in the catalytic domain of the protein into a UGA stop codon.