Some remarks on the semiempirical one‐center electron repulsion integrals

The identification of the stage of ionization for various kinds of one‐center electron repulsion integrals, occurring when nonbonding or lone‐pair electrons are considered explicitly as well as π‐electrons, is discussed for conjugated organic molecules containing heteroatoms N. It is concluded that the value for the negative ions should be used for (πCπC | πCπC) in all the states but for (πNπN | πNπN) only in the π‐π states. In the n‐π states, the appropriate value of (πNπN | πNπN) is that of the neutral atom if the molecule contains only one N atom. If more than one N atom is involved in the molecule, some weighted mean of the values for the negative ion and for the neutral atom should be used. The value for the neutral atom is most adequate for one‐center repulsion integrals other than the (ππ | ππ) type in both the π‐π and the n‐π states. The method of determining these integrals is also discussed. It is concluded that they are to be determined from the consideration of appropriate electron‐transfer reactions except for exchange integrals. The exchange integrals are shown to have to be determined from the Slater–Condon parameters derived from the analysis of the experimental atomic energy levels. Illustrative calculations are given for the lower singlet levels of the formaldehyde, pyrazine, pyridine, and the p‐benzoquinone molecule. It is found that the calculated energies of the n‐π transitions become much too low unless the (ππ | ππ) values of the heteroatoms in the molecule are chosen differently in the n‐π states and in the π‐π states as pointed out theoretically in this article.