Mental Health Profiles, Suicidal Behavior, and Community Sexual Assault in 2112 Canadian Adolescents

1025 females and 1087 males in grades 7-12 in Alberta high schools completed measures of emotional and behavioral problems and suicidal behaviors, and of frequency of sexual assaults outside of school. Both males and females experiencing a high number of sexual assaults in the previous 6 months were significantly more likely to have clinical profiles on measures of conduct disorder, somatic disorder, and emotional disorder. 13.2% of 53 girls with frequent, unwanted sexual contact had made more than two suicidal gestures or suicide attempts in the previous 6 months, compared with 1.3% of 783 girls with no experience of sexual assault. 33.3% of 18 boys experiencing frequent sexual assault were suicidal, compared with 0.9% of 1064 boys with no recent experience of sexual assault. These results are in line with results of other recent Canadian surveys.