Cooperative charge transfer absorptions are demonstrated in HCl, Cl2, and Cl doped rare gas solids. The four‐body, two‐photon cross section for Xe+HCl+2hν→Xe+(HCl) at 308 nm is >1042 cm4 s. The same mechanism explains the efficient Cl atom photogeneration in Cl2 doped solids. The weak field cross sections for the three‐body one‐photon and four‐body one‐photon transitions, Xe+Cl+ hν→XeCl(B) and Xe+Xe+Cl+hν→Xe2Cl(4 2Γ), are comparable near the BX resonance, the cross sections are estimated as 3 and 1(±0.5)×1016 cm2. The XeCl CA emission, BX absorption, and C state lifetime [75 (±5) and 60 (±5) ns in Ar and Kr], can be accounted by bulk dielectric solvation of the molecular dipole. The Xe2Cl(4 2Γ) emission [573 nm in Ar, Kr, and Xe], and lifetime [250 (±10), 210 (±10) and 225(±10) ns in Ar, Kr, Xe] cannot be treated by the same model. The XeCl (B)→XeCl(C) and XeCl(C)+Xe→Xe2Cl(4 2Γ) reactions are fast, >2×1010 s1. The XeCl(C) and Xe2Cl(4 2Γ) emissions can be modeled with one‐ and two‐dimensional potentials using gas phase diatomic parameters: the localized excitons retain their molecular nature.