Study of Some Chromogens in Cow Urine

Cow urine contains a group of chromogens which are apparently ionone derivatives of carotenoids of dietary origin. They are present in the conjugated state and may be hydrolyzed by either acids or [beta]-glucuronidase. They are extractable with lipid solvents after hydrolysis. Specific absorption spectra were obtained with these chromogens by the use of the Zimmerman, Pincus, and Allen color reactions, but in each instance they differed from spectra obtained with 17-ketosteroids. These chromogens number at least 6 and react similarly to 17-ketosteroids on an alumina chromatographic column (benzene -ethanol system). The urinary excretion pattern of these chromogens displays a distinct diurnal rhythm. Studies to date on the measurement of 17-ketosteroids in cow urine have been confounded by the presence of these chromogens.