Lack of evidence supporting the presence of mRNA for the thyrotropin receptor in extra-ocular muscle

The search for autoantigenic targets in thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) and a possible link with the thyroid continues. Several authors have presented data suggesting that extrathyroidal tissues, e.g. extraocular muscle (EOM), may contain a functional thyrotropin receptor (TSHR). We have applied Northern blotting and PCR amplification in an attempt to demonstrate the mRNA for the TSH-R in EOM, which although predominantly composed of muscle, may contain a significant proportion of fibroblasts. In Northern blots of poly (A) mRNA of normal human thyroid, EOM and skeletal muscle (SM) probed with a p32 labeled hTSH-R cDNA, transcripts of 4.6 and 4.4 kb were observed only in the thyroid. PCR amplification was performed on thyroid and EOM cDNAs using pairs of primers designed to amplify exons 1→9, the extracellular domain (ECD), and exon 10, the intracellular domain (ICD). Both the ECD and ICD were amplified from a thyroidal cDNA library but only the ICD in the EOM cDNA library, this probably being due to the inevitable contamination with genomic DNA. These results do not support the hypothesis that the TSH receptor, as such, would be an autoantigen of EOM involved in TAO.