Photoemission study of single-crystal Bi2Sr1.9Pr0.1CuO6+δ

We performed exploratory angle-integrated and angle-resolved photoemission-spectroscopy measurements on Pr-stabilized single crystals of Bi2 Sr2 CuO6 (Tc∼10 K). Fermi-level crossings along principal directions match some crossings predicted by tight-binding calculations. These crossings differ from both the Fermi-surface mapping and the local-density-approximation-derived Fermi surfaces on the much studied Bi2 Sr2 Ca1 Cu2 O8+δ (Tc∼75–96 K). We observe optical-polarization effects in the angle-resolved spectra, which is consistent with the states near EF being derived from the orbitals containing dx2-y2 symmetry. The density-of-states contribution from the Pr 4f states derived by resonant-photoemission spectroscopy suggests that the Pr 4f states do not hybridize strongly and lie away from the Fermi level, thus not affecting the superconductivity of the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system.