In vitro RNA synthesis and expression of vitellogenin gene in isolated chicken liver nuclei

Optimal conditions for prolonged in vitro synthesis of RNA in isolated chicken liver nuclei have been described. It is shown by incorporation of γ32P-GTP into RNA, analysis of the product on sucrose density gradient, and digestion with alkaline phosphatase and ribonuclease A that there is reinitiation of RNA synthesis. Polynucleotide kinase activity has been ruled out as an explanation for the incorporation of γ32P-GTP. α-Amanitin inhibits RNA synthesis by about 50%. Nuclei prepared from estradiol-treated chicks have twice the RNA synthesis activity as the controls. RNA is synthesized in the presence of Hg-UTP and the mercurated product separated by affinity chromatography on sulfhydryl-Sepharose column under stringent conditions. Vitellogenin mRNA sequences are measured by hybridization with DNA complementary to vitellogenin mRNA. Estradiol treatment leads to a 10-fold increase in vitellogenin mRNA sequences.