Surgical Management of Undescended Testis: Retrospective Study of Potential Fertility in 274 Cases

To determine the fertility potential of men with an undescended testis a retrospective study was performed on 274 patients by evaluating sperm density and sperm motility, as well as histopathological findings of the seminiferous tubules. The patients, who had been treated surgically when they were 2 to 5 or 9 to 12 years old and who were examined when they were 18 to 39 years old, were divided into 4 groups: group 1 (61 patients) underwent bilateral orchiopexy, group 2 (149) underwent unilateral orchiopexy, group 3 (26) underwent unilateral orchiectomy and group 4 (38) received no surgical treatment for a unilateral undescended testis. Significant differences in the sperm density and motility were detected between group 1 (normal range 0 to 7 per cent) and group 2 or 3 (normal range 72 to 79 per cent), and between group 2 or 3 and group 4 (normal range 42 to 58 per cent). Histopathological differences were significant between group 1 or 2 (Johnsen’s score count 6.06 to 6.11) and group 4 (4.72) for the affected side, and between group 2 or 3 (9.09 to 9.20) and group 4 (8.60) for the unaffected side.