The hereditary nature of certain vascular malformations has been established by the familial occurrence of telangiectasis of the skin and mucous membranes (Rendu1and Osler2). Such abnormalities tend to be widespread and to occur in particular locations in the affected members of a family. The condition has thus been given various names, such as hereditary epistaxis and hereditary hematuria. In a similar way multiple telangiectatic nodules may occur in the central nervous system and also may be hereditary. We present the report of a family in which several members in two generations suffered from convulsive seizures. In two members multiple calcified lesions were seen in roentgenograms of the skull. Biopsy of one of the nodules revealed calcified and ossified telangiectasis of the brain. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —The mother of three of the patients (cases 3, 4 and 5) began to have convulsive seizures at the age