The fine structure of the lines appearing in the 21 500-cm1 absorption band of Mn++ in ZnS has been studied in great detail. We show that the three sharp zero-phonon lines at 21 242.5, 21 238, and 21 233.5 cm1 are due to the transitions A16Γ6(E4), A16Γ8(E4), and A16Γ7(E4) of Mn++ in Td symmetry, the degeneracy of the E4 level being lifted by the first-order effect of the spin-spin interaction and by the second-order effect of the spin-orbit interaction. To confirm these assignments, we performed a uniaxial-stress experiment on these levels by applying a pressure along the [11¯0] crystallographic axis. We show that the observed splitting of the degenerate Γ8 level (23×1010 cm1/dyn) can be interpreted as being due to the combined action of the induced rhombic distortion and the spin-orbit interaction. Furthermore, we show that the other sharp phonon-assisted lines of the optical spectra behave like cubic Γ6, Γ8, and Γ7 levels. Complementary studies regarding the polarization and intensities of these cubic lines have been performed in order to reinforce these interpretations. Finally, we studied the case of a pressure-induced trigonal distortion and the splitting of the E4 level of Mn++ in the hexagonal phase.