Enhancement of suppressor T cell activity by injection of anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody.

In the present study, the contribution of IFN-gamma to the generation of helper activity in mice was investigated by use of anti-mouse IFN-gamma rat mAB (AN 18.17.24). This mAb was alum precipitated and injected i.p. before or after carrier priming. Results show that spleen cell helper activity is markedly inhibited by anti-IFN-gamma mAb injection. This inhibition is time and dose dependent, and counteracted by IFN-gamma administration. Thus, the anti-IFN-gamma mAb appears to inhibit helper cell activity by neutralization of the IFN-gamma required for the antibody response. Moreover, AN 18.17.24 mAb injection results in increased activation of Lyt-2+ T cells which markedly suppress Th activity. These findings altogether indicate that besides the activation of macrophages and Th, IFN-gamma seems to exert a negative interference in suppressor T lymphocyte circuits and, as a consequence, to inhibit immunosuppression.