The chloroplast pigments of some green and yellow-green algae

Pigment analysis carried out by thin-layer chromatography confirms that Chlorocloster engadinensis Vischer, C. solani George and Nephrodiella brevis Vischer are all green algae (Chlorophyceae) and not yellow-green algae (Xanthophyceae) as has been suggested. The pigments of Coccomyxa elongata Jaag, C. simplex (Pringsheim) Mainx and Pyrobotrys stellata Korshikov are also typical of green algae. The pigments of Pleurochloris commutata Pascher, P. magna Boye Petersen, Polyedriella helvetica Vischer et Pascher, Mischococcus sphaerocephalus Vischer and Tribonema aequale Pascher, are different to those of the green algae in accordance with their being classified as yellow-green algae. However, a detailed comparison of the pigments of Pleurochloris and Tribonema suggests that whilst both contain chlorophyll, α, β-carotene and esterified vaucheriaxanthin, the major xanthophyll in Pleurochloris corresponds to violaxanthin and not to antheraxanthin as in Tribonema.