Effects of Antimycin, Glucose Deprivation, and Serum on Cultures of Neurons, Astrocytes, and Neuroblastoma Cells

The resistance of cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells, primary cultures of rat cerebellar neurons, and rat brain astrocytes to a block of aerobic metabolism was studied. Parameters such as lactate production and ATP content were measured in the presence of antimycin A and under various conditions of glucose, oxygen, and serum supply. The following conclusions can be drawn: (1) All cell types studied were characterized by an active production of lactate; (2) Incubation of the various cell types in the absence of glucose at normal oxygen tension did not affect ATP levels; (3) Respiration blocked by antimycin led to a Pasteur effect; (4) Neuroblastoma cells, but not the other cell types, were fully resistant to inhibition of respiration provided that sufficient glucose was supplied; (5) In the absence of glucose no stores of energy or utilizable substrate were present in the cell types studied when respiration was blocked; (6) In the presence of fetal calf serum anoxic neurons showed irreversible signs of degeneration.