The embryonic motor innervation to the deep extensor abdominal muscles was studied in lobster eggs in which reflex twitches and tail flips could be evoked by mechanical stimulation in early embryos. Recordings from impaled fibers during early and later stages of embryonic development revealed spontaneous depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials, suggesting the presence of excitatory and inhibitory axons. Stimulation of the extensor motor innervation produced a variety of EPSPs and IPSPs. The depolarizing responses included small and large EPSPs and nonovershooting spikes. Although moderate facilitation of the EPSP was sometimes observed, defacilatation was observed in the majority of fibers of all stages. Spiking could not be evoked by motor axon stimulation in embryos of early stages. These findings indicate that from the outset the deep abdominal extensor neuromuscular system of the lobster is phasic in its response to nerve stimulation and is functional as part of the tail flip reflex at least six months before hatching.