Empirical density-dependent effective interaction for nucleon-nucleus scattering at 500 MeV

We report new cross-section and analyzing-power data for the excitation by 498-MeV protons of all narrow normal-parity states of O16 below 12.1-MeV excitation. In addition, spin-rotation measurements for elastic scattering and depolarization measurements for the 11, 21+, and 31 states of O16 have been performed. These data are used in conjunction with existing data for Ca40 to study medium corrections to the effective interaction for nucleon-nucleus scattering at 500 MeV. Systematic differences between the data and nonrelativistic impulse approximation calculations based upon either the free t matrix or a recent density-dependent effective interaction are interpreted within the framework of the local-density approximation. An empirical effective interaction has been constructed which parametrizes the density dependence of the medium modifications in a simple form amenable to phenomenological analysis of data.