Chronic Haemolytic Anaemia in Two Patients Heterozygous for Erythrocyte Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency

Two patients with mild chronic haemolytic anaemia, a mother and her son, were found to be heterozygous for erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency.In the red blood cells the enzymatic activity was reduced by about 50 % and the residual PK had normal kinetic properties, stability and electrofocusing pattern. The PK antigen concentration was also decreased by half, so that the ratio of the enzymatic activity to the immunological reactivity (i.e. the molecular specific activity) was normal.In the son's liver PK enzymatic activity was slightly reduced and, above all, an abnormal active form, more anodic than normal PK, was detected by electrofocusing. The propositus's liver PK was also slightly thermo‐unstable.It is suggested that the patients were heterozygous for an unstable PK variant which is found in liver, nucleated tissue actively synthesizing proteins, but which disappeared from the erythrocytes because of its unstability.