Light scattering and x‐ray characterization of amylose films

Small‐angle light scattering (SALS) in the solid state and x‐ray diffraction were used to investigate the development of anisotropic structure in water‐cast amylose films prepared under various conditions. The conditions investigated were different temperatures and relative humidities maintained during the drying of the films and different aging times and temperatures of the amylose solution prior to the casting of films. As revealed by SALS, the predominant morphology developing in these films was based on rod‐like scattering units of considerable size. At times, a low degree of spherulitic character was also evident in the films. All four experimental conditions affected the development of anisotropic structure, with the aging time and temperature producing the most noticeable effects. Increasing aging time and/or decreasing aging temperature markedly increased the rod‐like morphology of the films. On the other hand, crystallite sizes as measured by x‐ray diffraction remained constant at 24–28 Å, indicating no influence on the part of experimental conditions. These findings are discussed in the light of starch retrogradation.