Isolation and reactivation of highly‐coupled newt lung cilia

The paired lungs of the newt, Taricha granulosa, are simple, unbranched sacs, 3.5–5.0 cm in length. The inner epithelium overlying the pulmonary vein is differentiated into a mucociliary tract that extends the entire length of the lung. Populations of single, demembranated ciliary axonemes, 12–13 μm in length, can be isolated by extracting whole lungs or primary cultures of the ciliated epithelium with Triton X‐100. The motile capabilities of the isolated axonemes are the highest yet obtained for any ciliary model. When exposed to a suitable reactivating medium containing Mg2+ and ATP, nearly 100% of the axonemes become motile. Uniform reactivation of high quality requires short extraction times, minimization of mechanical damage, and strict adherence to optimal conditions throughout the extraction, storage, and reactivation procedures. Significant deviations from either pH 7.0 or 0.12 M salt can lead to a rapid, irreversible decrease in the beat frequency of reactivated axonemes. Both DTT and EDTA serve to stabilize their motility. The isolated axonemes beat at 29.5 Hz in the presence of 1.75 mM ATP at 21°C, matching the beat frequencies measured for cultured cells at the same temperature. With 5 mM ATP, beat frequencies over 40 Hz are measured. Our results show that neither the plasma membrane, accessory structures, nor hydrodynamic coupling of cilia are required for this activity and imply that the lack of these factors is not responsible for the low motile capabilities of ciliary models isolated previously.