Availability of psychotropic drugs and suicidal self‐poisoning mortality in Belgium from 1971–1984

Trends in completed suicide by solid or liquid substances in Belgium were investigated for the period 1971-1984 in relation with data about sales of psychotropic drugs. Mortality rose sharply between 1973 and 1980 (from 21.1 per million population of 15 years and older to 52.2 in males and from 26.7 to 61.7 in females) and decreased slightly therafter. No apparent coincidence with the availability of psychotropic drugs was found, and the increasing risk of suicidal persons dying at home suggested an increase in the severity of the attempts until 1980. However, incidence changes could also have affected these trends. The evolution in accidental and in suicidal hospital rates suggested that emergency care had improved. Although barbiturate sales decreased continuously (from 46.7 packages per year per 100 population in 1974 to 28.5 in 1984), these drugs still account for a high proportion of fatal self-poisonings (23%) in Belgium. Possible shortcomings that could affect the validity of our findings are discussed.