The effect of copper-steel joining technology on the radiation resistance of copper alloys

Currently, when developing the components and units of the ITER first wall and divertor different technologies are considered for the production of Cu/SS-type joints: explosion welding, high-temperature brazing, etc. But, the most promising for the production of joints seems to be the method of hot isostatic pressing (HIP). A high HIP temperature of ∼950°C causes considerable changes in the properties of copper alloys (for steel the HIP effect is less substantial). This paper presents the first results of the investigation into the radiation resistance of DS copper alloys (GlidCop A1251G and MAGT 0.2) and PH copper alloy (Cu-Cr-Zr), irradiated to 0.2 dpa at Tirr= 150°C and 300°C. The alloys were investigated both in the optimized state and after the HIP procedure. The investigations demonstrated that after the HIP procedure GlidCopA125IG-type alloy, when irradiated, had a satisfactory level of strength and plasticity properties at Ttest= T irr =150°C and embrittled strongly at T test=T irr=300°C. The PH alloys soften essentially after the HIP procedure and have a high plasticity both in the initial and irradiated state.