Temperature dependence of the phonon and roton excitations in liquidHe4

We report high-precision neutron scattering measurements of the temperature dependence of the phonon and roton excitations in liquid He4 at saturated vapor pressure in both the superfluid and normal-fluid phases. Two wave vectors were examined in detail: Q=0.4 Å1 in the phonon region and Q=1.925 Å1 at the roton minimum. The goal is to understand excitations in Bose liquids by determining the dynamic structure factor S(Q,ω) accurately in both phases. At Q=0.4 Å1 the sharp peak in S(Q,ω) broadens with temperature T, but remains sharp and well defined in the normal phase (T>Tλ) up to T≊3 K. The rate of increase of the width of S(Q,ω) shows a break at Tλ, but otherwise S(Q,ω) is similar in the two phases and a transition could not be identified through S(Q,ω). In contrast at Q=1.925 Å1, the sharp component of S(Q,ω) disappears at Tλ and S(Q,ω) is very different above and below Tλ. This behavior is documented and values of the frequencies and linewidths at several temperatures are reported.