The dates reported in this list were measured from December, 1964 to November, 1965. The laboratory continues to employ liquid scintillation techniques with synthesized benzene; however, the chemical yield has been improved to the point where it is now between 80 and 100%. For most of the measurements listed here, a 4 cc counting vial was used with 3 cc benzene and 1 cc commercial toluene containing PPO and dimethyl-POPOP scintillators. The counting efficiency is 72%, which gives a net modern count of 23.5 cpm, and the background is 8.2 cpm. The detection limit (48 hours counting, 2σ statistics) with ordinary size samples is 43,000 yr using the 4 cc vial and 52,000 yr with a 20 cc vial. Errors introduced by the laboratory procedure are less than ½% (Tamers and Pearson, 1965a). A detailed review of the methods being used has been published recently (Tamers, 1965b).