Serum Folate Binding Capacity in Leukemias, Liver Diseases and Pregnancy

Total and unsaturated folate binding capacity (TFBC, UFBC) have been measured in sera of selective groups of patients to study the role of cell turnover, cell necrosis and the effect of pregnancy in determining their concentrations in blood. The mean value of TFBC in 35 normal sera was 151 ± (SD) 53 pg/ml with a saturation of 88%. The TFBC was raised in chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), in acute hepatitis, in cirrhosis, and in pregnancy (third trimester). The normal mean value of TFBC was found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and in the first trimester of pregnancy. The mean UFBC in the normal sera was 19 ± 18 pg/ml. In all the pathological conditions studied the mean UFBC was significantly greater than normal and it was particularly high in CGL (85 ± 78 pg/ml).