Changes in Membrane Properties of Rat Red Blood Cells Induced by Cadmium Accumulating in the Membrane Fraction1

When rat red blood cells were incubated in a cadmium (Cd)-free medium following 1-h pretreatment with 0.5 msi CdCl 2 incorporated Cd was retained in the cell during 14-h incubation and progressively accumulated in the membrane fraction, especially in the cytoskeleton fraction. In parallel to this accumulation, red cell filterability decreased and echinocytic cells increased, although mtracellular ATP was main tained at the control level. The echinocytic shape was maintained in ghosts and cytoskeletons prepared from the Cd-loaded cells. In addition, the association of bands 2.1, 3, 4.2, and 4.5 with cytoskeletons increased and dissociation of cytoskeletal networks at low ionic strength decreased as the incubation time increased. Pretreatment of red blood cells with Cd also induced a release of small vesicles. These vesicles contained hemoglobin but were depleted of spectrin and actin, showing a phospholipid composition similar to that of red cell ghosts. These results suggest that the organization of cell membranes, especially cytoskeletal networks, is altered by Cd accumulation in the cytoskeleton fraction, which results in acceleration of age-related changes of red blood cells such as shape change and decreased filterability.