Left ventricular cineangiogram in a 2-year-old child with a large ventricular septal defect, pulmonary atresia and a previous Waterston anastomosis opacified clearly the right pulmonary artery but the left pulmonary artery could not be visualized. The later was thought to be due to obstruction or kinking of the right pulmonary artery proximal to the Waterston anastomotic site. A left pulmonary vein wedge angiogram performed via a No. 5 end-hole catheter with 4.0 cc of meglumine diatrizoate (75% Hypaque) injected under pressure (less than 100 PSI) visualized the left pulmonary artery in a retrograde fashion. The size of the left pulmonary artery at this study was comparable to its size measured at the time of a subsequent left Blalock-Taussig anastomosis. Pulmonary vein wedge angiography with 0.3 cc/kg body weight of contrast material injected over a two second period (less than 100 PSI) appears to be a useful technique in demonstrating the pulmonary arteries when these cannot be visualized by conventional antegrade techniques.